It's not a Diet, It's not a Phase,
It is a Permanent Lifestyle Change!

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Hi, my name is Ulrika Gervais

I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach.

I also hold a certificate in Stress Management and Sport Nutrition.

Health and well-being have always been a common thread in my life. I grew up on an organic farm surrounded with home grown produce and wholesome cooking. As a young successful athlete, I was introduced early on to what to feed my body and mind to be on top of my game. It gave me an insight into how powerful the mind is and the importance of changing your mind set to gain long lasting successful changes in your life.

Prior to launching Nordic Balance I set up a food company in Sweden with my brother, providing healthy, nutritious and well-balanced ready-meals for families and time shy people.

The passion for a deeper understanding how nutrition and lifestyle can support long term health and prevent disease never went away. When my second child was born, I decided to take the leap and embarked on a four year course to become a Nutritional Therapist. I am now running a successful practice working with one-to-one clients and running corporate and group programs.

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Ulrika Gervais Nutritionist Ireland

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