A slice of chocoate tart with a bite taken from it

Rich Chocolate Tart – GF / DF / refined sugar free

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Delicious super easy 6 ingredient gluten free & vegan chocolate tart! This tart is a crowd pleaser so if you’re looking for a dessert to impress your friends then this is it! Best of all it’s totally gluten and dairy free meaning it will cater for many different food allergies.



300 g ground almonds

½ cup cacao powder (55g)

⅓ cup maple syrup

3 tbsp coconut oil, melted



210 g dairy free chocolate (I use 70% but darker or lighter chocolate works too)

¾ 400ml can coconut milk (full fat) so use 300ml


Firstly, add the coconut milk to a pot over a low heat and warm up. Once warm turn off the heat and add the chocolate, then stir until well combined

Now make the base by adding all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix until combined.

Pour the base into a 9-inch (23cm) tart tin and push down until compact (looking for roughly 0.3mm depth)

Pour the chocolate into the base, sprinkle salt over the top and place in the fridge for 2-3 hours to firm up

Optional: serve with fresh fruit on top!



Will keep in the fridge for 5 days covered.

Recipe adopted from: Healthy Living by James


#dessert #healthyeating #glutenfree #refinedsugarfree #dairyfree #goodfats #chocolate #vegan #healthytreats #nordicbalance

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