Don’t Just Tick The Wellness Box.

Instead, make a lasting change to your Employees Health, Wellbeing and Engagement.

Today’s business environment places greater than ever demands on your team. Research shows that a healthy team and workplace environment contributes to increased engagement and productivity, with clear benefits to the bottom line.

As a qualified Corporate Wellness Nutritionist and Health Coach, we develop nutrition-based corporate and employee wellness programs that are fun and interactive, with lots of practical information. Our corporate wellness packages are tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation and employee profile and can be delivered in groups or 1-to-1 and in-person or virtual, depending on your requirements, resources and preferences.

A woman holding a box of fresh vegetables in a grocery store
Two colleagues enjoying a salad together at work on their lunch break


Nutrition, movement, sleep and selfcare are all important factors to overall health and wellness. Unfortunately, these are also some key areas that most of us pay the least attention too. Investing in an Employee Wellness program for your organisation has multiple benefits:

  1. Increase productivity
  2. Improve employee health and behavioural change
  3. Attract new talent
  4. Boost morale and increase employee engagement
  5. Reduce stress levels


The following approach is taken when designing the right employee wellness package for your organisation:

  1. Assess the health & wellness needs of the organisation and employees.
  2. Design a suitable Workplace Wellness Package in line with the information gathered in stage one.
  3. Rollout the Workplace Wellness Programme either on site or virtually within the agreed time frame.
  4. Measure the impact of the Corporate Employee Wellness Package through surveys and specific key performance indicators.

    All our programs are focused on ‘return on investment’ for the organisation and incorporate employee feedback to meet the goals set out.
A woman enjoying a healthy salad at her workspace

Employee Workplace Wellness Services

Two colleagues enjoying a salad together at work on their lunch break


We are available for one-off lunchtime talks covering numerous topics like:  

  • healthy eating

  • lunch box prep

  • sleep hygiene and tips

  • stress management

  • healthy lifestyle habits

​Or tailor made talks about specific challenges. We can provide a speaker for your conference or seminar and all our talks are engaging and jargon-free

A woman enjoying a healthy salad at her workspace


In today’s highly mobile, fast-paced age of the internet, there are few places left where the knowledge worker is beyond the reach of the office. Employees are increasingly experiencing difficulties in balancing work and private life, leading to increased stress, decreased life satisfaction, and more instances of illness.
  • improve employee health & wellness

  • reduce employee absenteeism

  • improve productivity 

  • improve employee engagement 

We work with you to develop a focused health and wellness program inline with your companies strategies and long-term goals.​

A happy woman preparing fresh fruit in her kitchen


We provide interactive cooking demos for your employees to learn to cook a number of simple, healthy and quick meals. 

Cooking demos can be based on lunch box ideas, dinners and healthy snacks. 

We will provide a booklet of  easy recipes that can be used for every day cooking that is nutritionally balanced and healthy.  

  • lunch box ideas

  • family meals 

  • healthy snacks 

  • balanced meals

A group of friends studying together at a round table


We can provide a one-off or series of written articles for your company ezine or staff newsletter or work with your HR Manager or team to create a tailored company specific Nutrition, Health and Wellness Handbook or e-Guide for your Employees.

Set up a call to find out more how we can help you deliver your vision.