Home Testing Kits

Environmental Toxicity Testing

Our environment is more polluted with toxins than ever before. Environmental toxins have been implicated in many chronic illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, chemical sensitivity, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, autoimmune disorders, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. We use urine samples to assess over 175 different environmental pollutants.

Fertility Testing

Infertility rates are on the rise, and often couples are sent away with no explanation for their current struggles. Our workup is individualized for each couple, but may include female and male thyroid and hormone panels, a male sperm panel, female and male inflammatory and autoimmune markers, female and male environmental toxicity panels, genetic markers and other markers of markers of methylation, micronutrient testing, and gut microbiome testing.

Gut/Microbiome Stool Testing

We offer the top stool tests on the market. These tests help us understand and assess your microbiome composition, digestion and absorption capacity, inflammatory activity, immune function, and levels of candida, pathogenic bacteria, and parasites.

Heavy Metal Toxicity Testing

Heavy metal testing is used to assess the body’s level of many metals in our environment that are known to cause physiological harm, including mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, gadolinium, and more!

Hormone Testing

We offer two ways of assessing hormones: saliva and urine.. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor will help you determine which form of testing and what time of the month will yield the greatest understanding of your current health status.

Micronutrient Testing

We use Micronutrient testing to measure vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites – and how they affect cellular function in a person. We especially value this testing in the perinatal time period, as nutrient status plays a major role in neurodevelopment and other aspects of health in the offspring.

Organic Acid Testing

This test is an efficient initial screening test to assess a patient’s overall health. Organic acids are various markers found in the urine that give insight to state of gut microbiome, vitamin and mineral levels, oxidative stress, neurotransmitter levels, etc which are often out of balance in long-term illnesses. It is one of our favorite tests to use to gauge overall health status.

Thyroid Testing

Comprehensive thyroid markers tested, including: TSH, free and total T3 and T4, reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies.


Contact us for more information of how we can support you.

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