Womens Health, Nutrition and Wellness

Taking care of your body and understanding your hormonal health at any age is important. We often go through our 20s and 30s working hard and burning the candle on both sides with little focus on nutrition and lifestyle factors.

Research shows women’s health concerns are frequently downplayed in the medical world. Female physical and mental health concerns are often blamed on hormones, premenstrual syndrome, the menopause, stress and sometimes even imagination. We are told that painful periods are normal and that PMS is just a part of being a woman.

In fact, one study published in the Academic Emergency Medicine journal found that women who went to the accident & emergency department (A&E) with severe stomach pain had to wait for almost 33% longer than men with the same symptoms.

Don’t doubt yourself or suffer in silence! At Nordic Balance Health, your health is our priority.

A woman receiving female advice from a women's health specialist

Do these symptoms sound familiar?

How We Can Help You

We are a qualified nutritional therapist specialising in women’s health and wellness.

We believe taking care of your mind, body and hormonal health is important throughout all stages of life. It is also an important factor for preventing disease, staying well and thriving. Whether you have a diagnosis, are suffering from specific symptoms, or simply want to take charge of your health, we are here to support you.

Following your initial consultation, we will formulate a personalised women’s nutrition, health and wellness plan, incorporating Nutritional therapy, and based on your specific female nutritional needs and lifestyle demands.

We will use a holistic approach that looks at all aspects of your life, including physical health, mental well-being, social needs, finance, work, stress and environmental factors. We understand that sometimes life can be hectic and finding the time for things such as maintaining a healthy diet or getting regular exercise can be difficult.

We will work together with you to build a female health plan that fits into your lifestyle, with the goal of alleviating your symptoms and improving your overall nutrition, health and wellbeing.

Book in for a discovery call NOW to find out how we can support you.

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